What Makes a Strong Applicant
Pullman Scholars succeed academically and professionally, they’re active in their communities, and they overcome challenges to accomplish their goals. Throughout Cook County, Pullman Scholars embody hard work, intelligence, and ambition, navigating their journeys with resilience and purpose. They are determined to make a meaningful impact, and the George M. Pullman Educational Foundation Scholarship ensures these exceptional students can earn a college degree without the burden of severe financial debt.
Pullman Scholars Are:
People who seize opportunities. Creators of their own futures. Pullman Scholars come from the north side, west side, south side and suburbs. They are no strangers to adversity and conquer challenges head on. They represent the Chicago area’s rich cultural diversity. Most importantly, they know that earning a college degree is the key to their success.

The Benefits
- You’ll receive up to $10,000 per year for four years
- You’ll have the support of the Pullman Foundation Staff and the Pullman Scholar Community for your four years of college and beyond

To be eligible for a George M. Pullman Educational Foundation Scholarship, applicants must:
- Be a graduating high school senior
- Be a Cook County, Illinois resident
- Be enrolling as a full-time student in the fall, for the first time, to receive a bachelor’s degree
- Be attending an accredited bachelor’s degree-granting institution in the fall that is eligible to receive Title IV federal aid and is located within the U.S.
- Demonstrate strong financial need
- Have a cumulative 3.0 unweighted GPA or higher
- Be eligible to receive state and federal aid and will file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Be a U.S. Citizen or U.S. Permanent Resident
- Not currently attending a college or community college, or hold any degree (This does not include dual enrollment as a high school senior)
Application Timeline
As applicants proceed through the stages, they will receive other deadlines for submitting transcripts, the interview process, submitting the FAFSA Submission Summary, and submitting college acceptance letters and financial aid award forms.
Application Opens
November 1st
Application Closes
January 31st
Semi-finalists Notified
End of February
Finalists Notified
New Scholar Class Notified
Beginning of May
New Scholar Class Publicly Announced
How to Apply
In order to apply, applicants must:
- Complete and submit an online application which includes three essays and questions related to your cumulative unweighted GPA, family income, high school activities, classes taken in high school, etc.
- Have two recommendation forms submitted by individuals who can speak to your strengths, achievements, growth, etc. (e.g. a teacher, mentor, guidance counselor, employer, boss, etc.)
- The 2025 application is now closed. Applications were due by 5:00 p.m. CST on Friday, January 31, 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions
The application process is open from the beginning of November to the end of January.
Yes, you may apply for our scholarship if you have not been accepted to a college yet. However, finalists must verify their college acceptance and financial aid package.
Your application and recommendation forms can only be submitted electronically through our online application software.
Consider people who can speak to your strengths, growth, achievements, and/or involvements. One recommendation must come from a teacher and another must be filled out by an adult who can speak to who you are and your accomplishments (a counselor, advisor, mentor, coach, teacher, manager, boss, etc.). No recommendation forms from family members or personal friends will be accepted.
Incoming first-year scholars are awarded scholarships up to $10,000, depending on financial need.
As long as you are in good standing with the Foundation, you can renew your scholarship for up to four years (eight semesters) of full-time undergraduate study.
The Foundation awards scholarships based on financial need and merit. To understand your financial situation, the Foundation needs to know how much federal and/or state aid you are receiving, as well as additional grants and scholarships you may be receiving from your college or university and other sources.
New scholars will be notified in mid-May.
The number of scholarships awarded each year varies, but typically we award 25-30 new scholarships. The Foundations hopes to award as many scholarships as our budget allows.
Please contact Anne Stretz, Scholarship Program Director, at astretz@pullmanfoundation.org with specific questions.
Once you submit your application form and three essays, you will receive an immediate confirmation from the software and a confirmation email. You will not receive confirmation when your recommenders submit their forms, but they will receive an immediate confirmation from the software and a confirmation email. To know if everything was submitted, the Foundation recommends asking your recommenders if they submitted their forms correctly and on time.
You will need to read the Pullman Scholar Handbook and sign the Pullman Scholar Agreement which details all expectations. You’ll also need to attend mandatory events such as the Annual Pullman Scholar Symposium.