One Word, Every Day, All Year – A New Kind of Resolution

New Year’s is often a time of increased optimism. With each passing year, resolutions come and go, — some accomplished and others easily forgotten– so for 2017 we are going beyond resolutions. We invite you to join us in the  #OneWord365 challenge. With a mantra of “Forget New Year’s Resolutions, Just Choose One Word,” this campaign centers around the idea of living by the intentions of one word, every day, all year.

You reflect on your personal experience and goals, then, choose a word that will motivate you to change throughout the year.#OneWord365 encourages you to chose a word that “sums up who you want to be or how you want to live.” Then visit the OneWord365 website to see community groups of people from all over the world who chose the same word. Users can interact on Facebook and Twitter to post progress updates and connect with others.

The Foundation’s word for 2017 is “engage.”  By focusing on “Engage” we hope to nurture our relationships within the Pullman Scholar Community and other relevant entities that support our mission. The stronger our bonds are to one another, the greater chance we have to positively change the lives of Chicago-area scholars.

What would you like us to do with the word “engage?” How can we best “engage” you? Take our poll on Facebook . Happy New Year!